[rescue] Movin' on up (long)

nick at snowman.net nick at snowman.net
Mon Apr 22 08:37:05 CDT 2002

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> I'm considering:
>   1) A Sun E3000.  Sounds great, but I can't verify that it has UPA for a
>      decent framebuffer.  Bill also warns me that parts are scarce, as
>      they're not interchangeable with the rest of the Exx00 family. 
I can't comment on much other than this.  Parts arn't scarse, they're just
*FSCKING EXPENSIVE* <grin>.  You can get a graphics I/O board (For about
1000$ from what I've seen) that will have one horizontal UPA slot.  You've
got the option of up to 4 boards total, CPU or GFX, with 2 cpus and/or
4gigs of memory.

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