[rescue] Cooling (Long Message, sorry)

Jeffrey Sharp lists at subatomix.com
Thu Apr 18 22:54:01 CDT 2002

On Thursday, April 18, 2002, Sridhar the POWERful wrote:

> Java doesn't have pointers.  Only references.  C has both.

Actually, Java has pointers, and they are called references. Java primitive
types behave just like the same types in C/C++. Everything else is a
reference, which works just like a pointer. Take C, remove the '*'
de-referencing (sic) and the '&' address-of operators, rename the '->'
operator to '.', and you've got something close to the pointer
syntax/semantics of Java.

I would say they're just called 'references' for marketing reasons, since
pointers are passe. But they work like pointers. Why else would Java's SEGV
be named NullPointerException?

Jeffrey Sharp

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