[rescue] FS/giveaway again

James Lockwood rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Sep 26 05:26:12 CDT 2001

No reasonable offers refused (reasonable defined as around 75% or so of
Ebay going rate).

SparcEngine AXi, 333MHz/2MB 9GB/256MB PGX32 audio card CDROM etc
2xU5, 333/360MHz, 9GB/256MB, 4MB onboard VRAM, CDROM
8x256MB U80/420/450 DIMMs
8x128MB U1/2/20/30/60/80/150/2x0/4x0/etc DIMMs.
Sun 3/260 VME chassis
Piles of Sparc 5's and 20's.
Misc furniture

All 40mi north of San Francisco.  I can deliver heavy stuff along
virtually any point near I80.


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