[rescue] alpha server 1000 4/266 info needed

Michael A. Turner rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Sep 25 13:28:22 CDT 2001

	Thanks for the offer unfotunatly I am stateside currently. 

	The other BIOS is the Alphabios, I just rememberd. With some of the
digital systems they were desinged only to boot NT for that system using the
Alphabios. The alphabios for my Alpha XL 300 contains an entry to start the
install of NT on it even. In order to get another operating system to boot
(at least this is how I had to do redhat) you have to get the MILO boot
image for your server and alter the bios entry to boot from that disk. Then
you get into the install and make a DOS partion as part of the install to
add this boot information to the hard disk. After the install you have to go
configure the bios so that it will use the MILO program in that DOS boot
partion to kickstart the redhat boot. Very anoying process as none of it is
very well supported and I found that out of the 6 different MILO version I
used only one would get the job done. 

	From looking at the instructions getting ARC to do the same thing is
not that different. I was just disapointed that the XL300 would not take
Digital Unix (no provision to boot it) looks like the arc server might and I
may play with that. 

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Meredith [mailto:hmv at meredithm.fsnet.co.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 1:42 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [rescue] alpha server 1000 4/266 info needed

On Monday 24 September 2001 19:27, you wrote:
> The digital unix seems only to exist far enough to get NT to boot.

Sounds a little odd, but I know even less about alpha NT than I know 
about x86 NT (use a Linux/FreeBSD cd to make it work/more secure).

> can re-install with that as I have done it on other alpha's, just not
> using the ARC bios but the other one whose name escapes me right now.

SRM(?). You might have both 'bioses' in there, and be able to switch 
backwards and forwards, although I can't remember off-hand how to do 
that. It's also possible you can flash a new bios to get SRM.

> close to universal. If nothing else I would love to get my hands on
> the blanks that go in these slots for when their is no drive as the
> bays are exsposed right now.

If you're UK-based I might be able to shake a few loose. Last winter a 
21-inch monitor box full of the damm things fell on me; I'm still 
finding them in strange places (in the storage room).
rescue maillist  -  rescue at sunhelp.org

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