[rescue] Sparcstation 2 help! Please

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Sep 23 01:01:36 CDT 2001

Erm, o2 is kinda supported, i2 GFX support is unwritten, challenges larger
than DM (challenge s == indy, challenge dm == i2, challenge L/XL ==
different from either of the above) are not supported under linux.  The
userland, erm, well, stinks.  If you're willing and able to help let me
know, as we have alot of work to be done.  It's well worth doing on many
of thses systems, and intresting on all.

On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 10:14:29PM -0600, David Venable wrote:
> > What is the coolest, old SGI machine? Can SGIs run Linux, or are they
> > limited to Irix?
> Some SGIs (Challenges, Origins, Indys, IndigoIIs, O2s, and presumably 
> Onyxs and Onyx2s) can run linux, but it is a waste of a perfectly good
> machine to do so (well for the Indys, IndigoIIs O2s and Onyxs at
> least).  Better to stick with Irix since nothing supports video or
> anything but the most vanila hardware decently.
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
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