[rescue] Anyone have an HP keyboard adapter for a 715?

Ido Dubrawsky rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Sep 21 15:58:21 CDT 2001

  Anyone have a A4022-62005 Keyboard adapter (or know where I can get one?).
I have an HP 715/100 and an HIL keyboard but no adapter.  The whole thing was
$25.00 altogether, but without the adapter, it won't boot since it complains
about a missing keyboard. 


P.S. I still have SunOS 4.1.2 docs in Sun binders if someone wants them.  The
     original person to reply to my first offer seems to have lost interest.

                        |Ido Dubrawsky               E-mail: idubraws at cisco.com
     |          |       |Network Security Engineer
    :|:        :|:      |Cisco Secure Consulting Services
   :|||:      :|||:     |Cisco Systems, Inc.
.:|||||||:..:|||||||:.  |Austin, TX. 78759

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