[rescue] This Just In: HP to buy Compaq

Chad Fernandez rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Sep 4 12:04:04 CDT 2001

Dave McGuire wrote:
>   I dunno...the Presidency got bought, and it still exists.
> Bought != shut down.

no comment

> > Didn't they aquire SCO Unix? Isn't that as dead as DEC now?

I thought Caldera bought the Unix branch of SCO?

>   SCO is widely used in industries other than ours, particularly
> telecom.  I have no idea why.  Telecom people are weird anyway.

What other Unix is designed specifically for Intel x86 processors?  I
would assume, that the telecom and other industries are simply taking
advantage of the cheaper hardware, not that x86 stuff can't be expensive
as well.

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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