[rescue] Wooohhhooo XP -> 0 to BSOD in 12min23sec

Nathaniel Grady rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Oct 27 13:10:35 CDT 2001

Mutt does that for me (I recieve in digest mode).... you're not going to try telling me that mutt is not a mail reader! but I don't find that nearly as annoying as HTML... at least i can read MIME, just have to ingore the "This message is in MIME format..." bit... I actually don't read any mail set to me in HTML - horribly ineficent. Espically outlook-generated html with <font> and <div>'s out the wazoo... There are very few things in life that bug me as much as html, or even worse .doc formatted emails - I've actually started receiving emails from people who use MS word to write emails, and just send 2 lines of text as a 150k word doc.  

hmmmm, tail -f mailspool |less would save at least a few hundred K of disk space over having mutt installed.... :)

--Nate Grady

>>"Braun, Matthew, CON, OASD(HA)/TMA" <Matthew.Braun at tma.osd.mil> wrote:
>>>  This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
>>>  this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
>>Then I suggest that *you* get a better mail client. </flame>
>david, cat mailspool|more  is NOT a mail client....

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