[rescue] Just a thought - what would be a good starter SPARC

Sheldon T. Hall rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 23 11:57:18 CDT 2001

In Message: 4 From: "Zach Malone" <Diff at Mac.com> Subject: Re: [rescue] Just
a thought - what would be a good starter SAPRC  system these days? ....

> I just installed Solaris 7 on an LX with 16mb of RAM at my workplace.  I
> must violently disagree with you, any install which takes over 2 hours to
> complete, is a little long IMHO (I gave up after logging in as root, and
> waiting, and waiting, and waiting...), maybe if you tried installing
> on an LX which had some RAM, or you didn't try using X, it would be
> preferable.  Nonetheless, I am not trying that again soon.

Yeah, I'll bet Sol7 on a 16-MB LX would suck planets through pipettes....

However, Sol7 on an LX with 128 MB of RAM is OK.  In fact, if you do all
your X stuff remotely, it's downright pleasant.  I use either X-win32 on a
PC or an old HP X-terminal, and, except for starting Netscape and a few
other things, it's all quite reasonable.

If you want to see something abysmal, though, run Sun's own HotJava "web
browser."  I can't believe they let that thing escape; it's the worst
advertisement for Java one could imagine.  Making it a part of the normal
installation process was a huge blunder; at the very least they should have
had the installation routines check the hardware and run the installation in
character mode if the hardware was too old/slow/small.

I can well imagine that using the HotJava-based installer on a 16-MB LX
would take two hours ... to show the first screen.


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