[rescue] WTT: Sun SRC/P RAID cards for Sun 2channel UltraSCSI cards

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 15 17:31:51 CDT 2001

We've got an interesting situation here at work.  Someone typoed a
part number on a purchase order, and by the time we noticed, it was
too late to send them back...  

So, we have two Sun StorEdge SRC/P PCI-bus hardware RAID cards,
X6542.  We'd like to trade each one of these for a normal dual-channel 
UltraSCSI PCI controller card, X6540.  We cant use these cards because
we have a policy of using Veritas for our disk mirroring/RAID functionality.

If anybody has a pair of the Symbios-based (*must* be Sun official
labeled part) cards, and would like a pair of the hardware RAID cards
in exchange, please let me konw.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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