[rescue] Re: [geeks] SunHELP v3.0 Online!

Brian Hechinger rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Oct 14 23:29:43 CDT 2001

> What resolution?  Looks okay at 1024x768 or above, unless your
> browser handles fonts funny.


> > (sparc20, Solaris 8, IE 5)
> A SS20 runs IE5 decently?  woah.  

better than anything else i've found.  Opera runs very well except for a few
HUGE issues that make it mostly useless to me.  Netscape crashes CONSTANTLY
and i couldn't get netscape 6 to run at all.  haven't fiddled with the mozilla
thing, but everyone bitches about how slow it is.

IE5 is faster than netscape, although not as fast as Opera.  IE5 is much more
stable than netscape but not as stable as Opera. IE5 forms and graphics 
rendering works correctly, unlike Opera.

the one thing you have to look out for is that the SP1 version of IE5 does not
work on most 24-bit framebuffers, but the raw non-SP version seems to run on
everything.  i haven't looked into if there is a newer release or not since the
original IE5 for Solaris seems to work pretty well.

it's also available for HP-UX.


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