[rescue] A quiet U2? Fans & SCA drives...

Mike Nicewonger rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 9 01:00:34 CDT 2001

I have had good luck with Antec fans. Also, IBM drives are nice and quiet as
well as very cool running.

Mike N

On Tue, 09 Oct 2001, you wrote:
> Basenji.com is becoming somwhat noisy.  Both in the drive department, and
> the fan department.  Drives are easier, I just need to find out who
> makes quiet SCA drives (NOT Seagate!), and where a good place to buy them
> is.
> As for fans, this gets trickier.  I know that the 92mm case fans are
> standard, I would love to find a source for the "levitation" type fans
> that are supposed to be really quiet.  I dunno about the power supply fan,
> but I bet it is standard size as well.  Anybody know a really good source
> for fans?  (I am actually wondering if I could set up thermally-controlled
> case fans.  Sun uses fixed speed to make it survive at high temps, but its
> generally cool in my office.)
> Ideas appreciated, the noise is beginning to disturb me...
> -Pete
> -----
> Peter L. Wargo
> pwargo at basenji.com
> Owner/operator of basenji.com.
> "Zamfier has sold more records than the Indigo Girls.  As it should be."
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