[rescue] TYPE 6 SUCKS

Stefan Hames rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Oct 5 15:56:15 CDT 2001

At 15:44 -0500 10/5/01, Bill Bradford wrote:
>Anybody else hate the TYpe 6 keyboard and mech. mouse as much as
>I do?  Anybody have suggestions on a replacement?  I'm tempted to see
>if my MacAlly iKey USB keyboard and Logitech optical mouse will
>work with the SunBlade...

Amen, brother.  Although I don't hate the keyboard as much as I hate 
the mouse.....  Has anybody tried other (preferably optical) mice 
with the SunBlade?

Stefan Hames
Post-Doctoral Associate
Bird Population Studies
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 607-273-4915 (home)
        607-254-2496 (lab)
        607-254-2111 (fax)
<mailto: rsh5 at cornell.edu>

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