[rescue] cheap SC-SC fiber cables?

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Oct 4 14:57:07 CDT 2001

On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 01:11:03PM -0600, Derrick Daugherty wrote:
> Fry's has them, how much I dunno.  The place I order in bulk from is
> some dinosaur name..like Mastadon I think.. they're local and make the
> cables themselves, ie they put the connectors on.  I've never had a bad
> cable from them in the 200+ I've used.

I borrowed a spare from the networking department here at work until 
I can pick one up at Fry's... If they're $60 at Blackbox, I figure $10-20
for a short one there.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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