[rescue] Small Installs (was: SBUS expansion box)

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 24 19:15:20 CST 2001

kris at catonic.net writes:

>You're starting to sound like fullermd. He has a 386/16 with 4MB of RAM
>that he does a "make world" on every now and again. NFS mounts damn near
>everything. His last make world was started on Jan 1 2000; it finished
>sometime on Jan 14. 8-)

I was talking with some friends about how to get the lowest time-per-unit
for seti at home. We considered the possibilities of underclocking, but
the problem is that if you get into the couple-of-hundred-days range,
you get screwed by software changes and invariably get a rejected work
unit. Or so I'm told.

-------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
---------------------- "It's something to do." -Cerebus --------------------

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