[rescue] Serial Output via Ethernet wire

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 17 12:13:27 CST 2001

On November 15, Derrick D. Daugherty wrote:
> > I seem to recall it was British Normal Connector.  Been a long time
> > since I've heard it though.   Don't know about RJ.
> Yup, this is the closest so far.. it's British Naval
> Connector..apparently they came up with it..we also have hte navy to
> thank for -48dc power....

  I remember this very differently.  From my recollection, the "N"
connector was designed by a Mr. Neill, who later worked with a
Mr. Concelman (sp?) who developed the BNC and TNC connectors...Bayonet
Neill-Concelman, and Threaded Neill-Concelman.

  Anybody have a definitive reference?

> MMJ IIRC is an old serial thang.. modular modified jack or something?  I
> looked it up like 1.5 years ago but don't recall...

  Modified modular jack.  It's a DEC serial thang.  Nowhere near as
old as DB25s though.

> my other fave to ask is CMOS.... I can't stand not knowing things I

  Complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor.


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL

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