Potted Meat Product.... (WAS) [rescue] SCRAPPLE

Dan Sikorski rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 13 18:34:45 CST 2001

On Tue, 2001-11-13 at 17:54, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > In Dutchieland and Polockland (Central PA, Hard Coal Country), the
> good-luck
> > New Years dinner was Pork and Sauerkraut (Pork 'n Kraut), usually with
> apple
> > sauce. Isn't your New Year feast called Hoppin' John?
> Same as in central OH.  *That* is good eats!  I tried to get my wife
> (born-n-raised in RI) to try Kraut once - it was "no-go".  My favorite
> fair-food (food you get the carnivals and fairs)  as a kid was a bratwurst
> smothered in kraut with mustard on a crusty roll.

Kraut on a brat is definatly good eats. :) but one must always remember
that the key to good sauerkraut is lots of pepper.

	-Dan Sikorski 
(the -ski means polish, there's kraut at most of the big family
gathering meals.  God i love that stuff, especially in pierogi)

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