[rescue] Re: [geeks] amanda

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 10 19:23:52 CST 2001

On November 10, Rob wrote:
> Difficult if not impossible. Amanda should still be considered in the
> Alpha stages and has whole hordes of problems doing real life backups.


  Upwards of seven years ago, I used Amanda to back up hundreds of
machines nightly, in a paying production environment (i.e. customers
paying real $$$$, not a school).  It worked great then.  Now I back up
about two dozen machines in three states with it, using a changer.  It
still works great now.

  Now sure, there are a few things I don't like about it, but face
it...it's the only game in town, and it DOES work rather well.


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL

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