[rescue] Problems Replacing Hard Drive in a Thinkpad

William Barnett-Lewis rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 10 12:07:13 CST 2001

Feeling constrained by a 340 mb drive, I picked up an IBM 2.5" 1GB ide
drive from Hitech ($29!). Now, though, the Thinkpad is being anoying and
refusing to see the new disk. If I have it in my DockII, I get a 174
error. If I have it undocked, easy setup (grr... roms do _not_ need
GUI's...) simply says there's no hard disk installed. 

I'm about ready to rip my hair out. Is this drive to big for a 750 to
understand? Or is there some trick to making it see the drive so that I
can install OS/2 on it? (It's an OS/2 era Thinkpad... it deserves it...

Thanks in advance for any hints, tips, and help.


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