[rescue] Re: [geeks] amanda

Rob rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 10 08:34:14 CST 2001

Difficult if not impossible. Amanda should still be considered in the
Alpha stages and has whole hordes of problems doing real life backups.
These problems are not limited to:

1)Unable to span data to tapes.
2)Unreliable support for autoloaders.
3)No recovery mechanism for failed backups.
4)Unable to use one tape for multiple backup jobs. (i.e. once you've
dumped something to the tape, you can't use the balance of the tape for
anything else.)
5)Since you're doing this over cablemodem, you'll have to design your own
encryption method for the dump. (You may be able to hack it to tunnel
through ssh.)

You're in for a lot of pain if you try.

- Rob

On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

> anybody using amanda for backups?
> Here's what I'm thinking of doing:
> client on ohno (at colo)
> server on a machine here at the house (but behind a dynamic IP)
> server connects to ohno nightly and does backups over the cablemodem..
> That possible w/Amanda?
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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