[rescue] OK, step one of the purge in New Jersey...

Derrick Daugherty rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 5 19:03:33 CST 2001

It's rumored that around Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 01:28:17PM -0500
Chad Fernandez <fernande at internet1.net> wrote:
> What are these regions?  I want to get a DVD player, and I have no idea

Josh took care of that....

> have a good recommendation for one?  

well, there's an odd little issue in the majority of decorders.  Some
chips have an upsampling error that causes horiz. lines across some
intense colors like blue or red.  I read an article about this and
wondered why I had never seen it.  I have a panasonic, and it turns out
their chip does  not have this error.  All sonys do except their higher
end stuff, like the $750 stuff...this may not be the case now, I'd check
into it.  Mine broke recently and I went to fry's to snag a new one.
They had a newer model panasonic for $350 that had progressive scan,
played mp3s and cdrs etc.  The features of the panansonics are
nice..onscreen controls intuitive and picture and sound quality is
great. I'm quite picky in this arena.  One thing to mention, that newer
model only had optical audio out, which I try and steer away from as you
can get some jitter in the line and get blank noises in the audio.  With
digital coax you don't have to worry about this.

Quick google for dvd +chroma yields this good info:


also look at audioreview.com.  Always helpful to get users feed back on
whether they're satisfied or not.


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