[SunRescue] Re: expensive paperweights

Gil Young rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 31 08:26:02 CDT 2001

Floppies have on, well maybe two uses for me in todays world:

1) boots up those older laptops so I can put an OS on the thing.

2) helps me read all my legacy floppy data, not that I have done that in 4 
years or so.

I even have an old 5.2. floppy drive squirreled away neatly in case I come 
across something i must read.  Heh, I think the main reason I keep it is 
that my first copy of Borland C came on 360K floppies, and I coded many a 
project in it.  I bet i'll never use it though, but it is there just in 
case, just like my Smith :).


At 12:34 PM 5/31/01 +0100, you wrote:
>On Wed, 30 May 2001, Michael Graziano wrote:
> > The only downside is the machine is a mini-tower, so the fan in the
> > top eats the drive bay I would have used for a floppy.
>....and?  I the last time I built a machine *with* a cd or floppy was
>quite a while ago;  although having said that, PCs tend to get cdroms's
>for the 10 minutes it takes to install enough of Debian to http the
>rest.... And Sparcs netboot.
>Does anyone *actually* use floppies these days...?  Think `Internet'.
>Just my 2 unreliable floppy disks worth,
>h: 0115 922 7162   w: 0115 953 1803
>rescue maillist  -  rescue at sunhelp.org

Gil Young
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