[SunRescue] Solaris 8 DNS?

Greg A. Woods rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 17 23:07:38 CDT 2001

[ On Thursday, May 17, 2001 at 20:41:54 (-0500), Bill Bradford wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: [SunRescue] Solaris 8 DNS?
> Are these "problems" documented anywhere?  I've never had
> issues with NSCD..

NSCD does not, and can not, honour DNS semantics such as negative
caching.  It also does not and can not properly honour the DNS TTL.

Do not ever use NSCD for DNS host name caching if you want proper DNS

It was intended *ONLY* for use with NIS and NIS+ (and this I have on
direct authority from more than one Solaris internals developer!).  The
default configuration is *not* correct for any host directly connected
to the internet.  Indeed if you do not use NIS or NIS+ then you should
probably just kill it and prevent it from starting on the next boot (but
you might turn of hostname caching anyway, just in case).

If you want DNS name caching then use BIND.

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoods at acm.org>     <woods at robohack.ca>
Planix, Inc. <woods at planix.com>;   Secrets of the Weird <woods at weird.com>

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