[SunRescue] BSD faster than Solaris??
Gil Young
rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 17 20:47:28 CDT 2001
I dont doubt anything you observed. In my "touchy-feely" experience, BSD
running Linux packages in emulation mode run them overall faster than Linux
does :). BSD is very well optimized.
Also, beware tests that rely heavily on certain types of math, e.g. Mhz for
Mhz, the Intel processors run things like the RC5DES cracking code faster
than the same Mhz UltraSparc.
And finally, the Intel Solaris is generally a pig, I dont think much
optimization at all is done with it, so imagine base code design for an OS
geared towards running on RISC cobbled together to run on Intel for mainly
marketing reasons. Barf.
Gil Young
Call Sign: KG4KVX
Version: 3.12
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----- Original Message -----
From: Michael S. Schiller <schiller at agrijag.com>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:32 PM
Subject: [SunRescue] BSD faster than Solaris??
> Brian Hechinger wrote:
> > >> i'm a huge fan, i think NetBSD rocks.
> > >
> > > Yes it does. It's capable of amazing amounts of work on even the
> > > slowest of hardware. And on fast hardware, it's GODLIKE! 8-)
> I have an HP Pavillion with has a 366mhz celleron in it. I installed
FreeBSD on
> it, then ran a benchmark program called Unixbench and it gave an overall
> rating of something like 58. On my U5 it gives a rating of 29.6 and on a
170 mhz
> sparc 5 it's like 12.4 or so. I don't know off hand if the benchmark
program is
> any good or not, and I know it probably doesn't represent a 'real world'
test, but
> I run it, as I figure it's a good way to see the general speed of a given
> When I installed Solaris 7 intel on the machine, and ran unixbench again
it gave a
> speed of 30.5 So what I'm really wondering is basically this: 1. Is it
> that a 366mhz intel is the same basic speed as a 360mhz ultrasparc? and 2.
Is it
> possible that FreeBSD runs THAT much faster than solaris intel?
> -Mike
> --
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