[SunRescue] Re: rescue digest, Vol 1 #1122 - 16 msgs

Kevin P. Inscoe rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 28 11:23:58 CST 2001

> On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 11:03:49PM -0800, Devin L. Ganger wrote:
> > find / -name *base* -exec chmod us:us {} \;
> > su -c someone 'export UP_US=thebomb'
> > for f in great justice ; do sed -e 's/zig//g' < $f ; done
> Easily one of the most entertaining .signatures I've seen yet.  I never
> expected such a stupid game to have such a popular set of quotes!

I went to register allyourbasearebelongtous.com but you guessed it...


kinda lame

if your gonna take a cool domain please make it cool!

Kevin P. Inscoe          Unix System Engineer & Specialist
Deltona, FL 32738 Itinerary at http://www.inscoe.org/where
e-mail:  kevin [at] inscoe [dot] org     
http://www.inscoe.org                    28.9492N 81.1955W    
PGP key at   http://www.inscoe.org/kpinscoe_public_key.asc
Version: 3.12
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M- V++++ PS---@ PE++@ Y+>++ PGP+ t* 5-- X R* tv-() b+>++ DI++ D-- G e 
h---- r+++ y+++

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