[SunRescue] Printer ribbons for Epson LQ printers...

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 27 13:07:48 CST 2001

Hi guys and gals!

Someone, while I was on Jury Duty a while back, left a box full of 20 new
printer ribbons (#7762L) for Epson LQ-860,1060,2500,2550 printers next to my
desk.  I have been unable to find out who did it and, with the permission of
pointy hair, am offering the whole box to whoever on the list wants them for
the cost of shipping.  There is also a color ribbon in the box (#7763)that
has the number VP3000CRC.  Most of the Ribbons say Epson and are
individually boxed but all are still in plastic.

Anybody who wants them please speak up or a week from now they will be
consigned to the meatspace bitbucket. ;-)  (If anybody's wants to give me a
black cartridge for a DeskJet 1600 that's fine but not necessary as I want
the ribbons out of my hair.)

Also, I'm looking to get rid of my Indigo 2 and am in need of a PII notebook
with sound and CD.  I'm at work so I don't have the specs with me but it's
an Indigo 2 R4400 200mhz CPU (Teal) with at least 128Meg of RAM, a 3gig or
so hard drive, a 2X CD-Rom in the sled, and a 20" Sony GDM Granite.  It's
running Irix 5.3 but I have copies of the 6.5 CDs available - licensing is
the responsibility of the receiver.  I'll post more specs when I get home

Anybody interested please contact me off-list.  If mail to this e-mail
address bounces please use nimitz at owc.net .


Mike Hebel

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