[SunRescue] Your not gettin' em!

Tim Harrison rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Mar 26 14:13:20 CST 2001

"Devin L. Ganger" wrote:

> Yeah, I'm having an email conversation with "Louie Liquidator" about that
> very same thing.
> I'm thinking it's time to forward the whole complaint to the appropriate
> state Attorney General offices and see what happens.

I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do.  They made a mistake.  It
happens.  Why should they have to be forced to suffer for a mistake?  I
would think those who ordered would accept that it was an error, and be
somewhat understanding.  If you were selling off those drives, typoed,
and then were expected to take that huge of a loss, would you be very
happy with the people who held you to a simple mistake?

This is not a slight against those who ordered, and want their drives. 
I'm just pointing out a "good citizen" view.  From what I hear,
hitechcafe has been really good to everyone.  Why spoil the

> find / -iname *base* -exec chmod us:us {} \;

I love that. :)


Tim Harrison
Network Engineer
harrison at timharrison.com

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