HP 1200C (was Re: [SunRescue] What Gem did I find?)

Jeff Workman rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Mar 25 01:31:31 CST 2001

Stoned koala bears drooled eucalyptus spit in awe as Dave McGuire exclaimed:

>   Yeah?  You've never seen one of my BIG parties.  WATTS of laser
> energy, KILOWATTS of sound energy, MEGAWATTS of human energy!  The
> last truly large one resulted in someone leaving in an ambulance,
> someone else leaving in handcuffs in a police car, and someone else
> getting pregnant.

Wow!  Now *that* sounds like one hell of a party! MY kind of party.  Are 
you a DJ by any chance?


"...and the burnt fool's bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the
fire." -Joe Zeff in the SDM.

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