Bus architecture was RE: [SunRescue] Re: NetApps?

scohen - Stephen Cohen rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 21 15:09:56 CST 2001

Ahhhhh, when one receives one of 'those looks' back from that particular
female, it all becomes worth it.  You know, the slight upturned smile, head
cast down a bit, eyes looking up, twinkling . . .

-----Original Message-----
From: User Bobkeys BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak
[mailto:bobkeys at weedcon1.cropsci.ncsu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 2:55 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Cc: rescue at sunhelp.org; geeks at mrbill.net
Subject: Re: Bus architecture was RE: [SunRescue] Re: NetApps?

> You can shoot me now.
> Bill (can someone who cohabitates with someone of the female species
> to me how a small bag of makeup can cost $116?)

Ahh, them femail critters calls it ``Beauty'' but it can be a beastie
on yer pocketboot.....

Get used to it.... if yer in for the long haul......

116 buckeroos fer a bag o' this an' dat creams, etc.

116 buckeroos fer a bag/truckload o' this an' dat bits 'n bytes,
sugar 'n spice, an' suntoyz or vaxentoys or whatever.....

It all works out OK, in the wash, in the long run.....(:+}}...

rescue maillist  -  rescue at sunhelp.org

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