[SunRescue] UK wanted - 4/330 chassis, CPU, IPI controller

kebabthesheep rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 21 10:16:27 CST 2001

--- Chris Powell <Chris_Powell at mitel.com> wrote: > 
> Hi,
> I'm after a 4/330 chassis, 4300 (or 4400) CPU and an IPI disk controller
> in the UK. Anyone got this stuff to spare, or even know of a (cheap)
> Sun VAR with them?

I may be involved in a rescue of two of those(4/330 boxen that it) sometime soon, and I think
there's a possible taker for one, but the other will be available.  I shan't let it be dumped.
You will need to collect from London however, oh and I doubt there'll be an IPI controller, but I
may be able to locate one...I'll keep you posted.


(already got a 4/330)

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