[SunRescue] Old holdouts from the pits of hades.....

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 6 11:52:02 CST 2001

> I think your best bet will be an older thinkpad (486 variety), but if you
> didn't like the sparcbook keyboard, you wouldn't like the thinkpad one
> either...
> I used to have an IBM P/75 with the awesome 486 DX/33 inside,a nd it was a
> mean MCA machine.

I had thought about finding a P75.  They be a bit scarce in these parts,
even with IBM in town.  IBM folks don't have many of those ancient things
still around.  Maybe something at hamfests will turn up.  Our local ncsu
network guys used to keep toshibas with the large displays and keyboards
around, for netchecks, and I am hoping one of those will float out mooU
surplus someday.  IFF a P75 should show up, I did keep all my usable
hardware guts out of the old box, just in case......(:+\\...

Too bad the sparcbooks are such dogs on the keyboards, and so braindead
in their software locks.  I have a second sparcbook2 but it needs some
maintenance keys so I can get it to work.  Even the factory can't gen
those maintenance keys, these days....I have been told the programs
to do that can't be located.  Oh, well.  I guess laptops were designed
for pointy-clicky users and not keyboardists.


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