[SunRescue] What should I pay for this U60

Christopher Byrne rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Mar 3 12:49:34 CST 2001


In my U60 hunt I came across this system, for sale with a bunch of other
stuff. I contacted the seller to ask about purchasing it seperately and they
said "make me an offer"

Sun Ultra 60 with 2 X 360-MHZ Ultra Sparc-II processors with 4-MB L2 cache
each, 100 Mbit ethernet, Ultra scsi 2, Creator3D, series 3 graphics, 1024MB
memory, 2 x 9.1GB internal disks, PCI fibre optic card, type 6 keyboard and

Any suggestions on the price I should offer?

Chris Byrne

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