[Re: [rescue] Re:EMACS]

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jun 29 08:05:57 CDT 2001

I care, but maybe I'm in that 2%.  Parenethese matching for LISP code is
so helpful.

Plus, it is nice to be able to quickly try out lisp expression without
having to fire up another program.  I do it fairly frequently.

Joshua Boyd

On 29 Jun 2001, Michael Hansen wrote:

> >"Joshua D. Boyd" <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu> wrote:
> >I liked what that other guy said.  It's isn't a text editor with a built
> >in lisp.  It is a lisp environment that is considerate enough to throw in
> >a text editor.  I mean, you can ever write web servers to run natively in
> >emacs lisp.  What's not to like (in a grossing each other out, unix
> >weenie sorta way)?
> details, details...  but lets be honest here, how many people out there using
> emacs could give a rat's ass about anything to do with lisp?
> I would be truly shocked if they exceed 2%. 
> Lots of Insidious and Stupid Parentheses!
> (from The Idea Factory - Pepper White)
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