[rescue] Re MAKES. ME. SICK.-> scalability

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 21 18:19:18 CDT 2001

devin at thecabal.org writes:

>"We'll let the NetBSD guys rip off the stable FreeBSD SMP code and get
>it hacked in place before we even think about it, since we're not really
>sure how to do it without an example in front of us.  Oh, and we'll
>tighten up the security along the way."

>The OpenBSD crowd, from my experience and from comments by programmer
>friends, do know how to program quite securely, but they are apparently
>crappy coders when it comes to all other aspects.

That's a ligitimate niche.

-- david fischer -- dave at cca.org -- www.cca.org -- Cthulhu told me to. --

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