[rescue] *chest pounding*

Hatle, Steven J. rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jun 13 07:12:52 CDT 2001

So, your fans, power supplies and disks have no faults. Big Deal.



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bradford [mailto:mrbill at mrbill.net]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 12:59 AM
To: rescue at mrbill.net; geeks at mrbill.net
Subject: [rescue] *chest pounding*

Okay, I have to show this off for penis length bragging rights. 8-)
(not mine, but I'm the primary/only admin.  ARUUUGHAH)

I should have hostnamed it "awwwyeah".

System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Fire 280R (2 X
System clock frequency: 150 MHz
Memory size: 8192 Megabytes

========================= CPUs

          Run   E$    CPU    CPU  
Brd  CPU  MHz   MB   Impl.   Mask 
---  ---  ---  ----  ------  ---- 
A      0  750   8.0  US-III  5.4   
B      1  750   8.0  US-III  5.4   

========================= Memory Configuration

           Logical  Logical  Logical 
      MC   Bank     Bank     Bank         DIMM    Interleave  Interleaved
 Brd  ID   num      size     Status       Size    Factor      with
----  ---  ----     ------   -----------  ------  ----------  -----------
 CA    0     0      2048MB   no_status    1024MB     4-way        0
 CA    0     1      2048MB   no_status    1024MB     4-way        0
 CA    0     2      2048MB   no_status    1024MB     4-way        0
 CA    0     3      2048MB   no_status    1024MB     4-way        0

========================= IO Cards =========================

========================= Environmental Status =========================

System Temperatures (Celsius):
cpu0   1 
  65  60


Front Status Panel:
Keyswitch position: NORMAL

System LED Status: POWER                   GEN FAULT
                   [ ON]                    [OFF]


Disk Status:
          Presence      Fault Value
          --------      -----------


Fan Bank :

Bank                        Status
----                        -------
FAN                      [NO_FAULT]


Power Supplies:
Supply     Status         PS Type
------     ------      --------------
PS0      [NO_FAULT]    [  Littleneck]
PS1      [NO_FAULT]    [  Littleneck]


========================= HW Revisions

System PROM revisions:
OBP 4.0.40 2000/11/29 18:02

IO ASIC revisions:
Brd  Model            ID  Status Version
---- ---- --------------- ---- ------ -------
IB-1 unknown          8    ok     4      

Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX
rescue maillist  -  rescue at sunhelp.org

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