[SunRescue] OBP coolness

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jun 1 15:23:22 CDT 2001

Oh geez...this is starting to sound like that movie from '95...

Shallow Grave...

Anyone?  Anyone?

Ed Mitchell (ed<-at->the7thbeer.com)
Finger for PGP public key
This boxen's uptime stats....
  1:22pm  up 9 day(s),  3:28,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On June 1, Sebastian Marius Kirsch wrote:
> > All except my Intel box (which is way too unstable to turn off), my
> > Voyager (which doesn't have a disk drive and is therefore *very* quiet)
> > and my Classic (which plays router and isn't in my room). I am living in
> > one room, and I think my flatmates would get seriously annoyed if I
> > started expanding to the common rooms -- the noise, and the power
> > bill. At the moment, they still put up with my hobby, but I don't want
> > to tax their patience too hard. Perhaps I'll expand to the living room
> > with another hobby, but not with my machines.
>   If they give you too much grief, EAT THEM! 8-)
>      -Dave McGuire
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