[rescue] Stretching the Display?

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Jul 29 16:30:16 CDT 2001

Ken Hansen wrote:

> What about the damage of suddenly dropping 6 - 8" whenit slides *off* the
> subwoffer? ;^)

No longer a concern. I'm now using an antique external SCSI drive (not
powered) as a base. The monitor sits tilted back a little farther than
I'd like, but it's not sliding around at all, and seems pretty stable.
I'd still rather have a real base for it. All the stuff this crowd has
sitting around, maybe by the time everyone's read this e-mail someone
will have offered me on.

I can hope. 

In the meantime, anone got any suggestions for stretching the display?


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