[rescue] can you beleive I do this as a *HOBBY*?

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 12 02:37:47 CDT 2001

On July 12, Michael S. Schiller wrote:
> RSTS-11 & BASIC-PLUS :) back in 1976 I took my one and only programming
> class (BASIC programing) in HS on a PDP-11/70 running RSTS-11! The
> 'terminals' were Teletype ASR-33's, and we'd store our programs on
> papertape! The little metal cans that 35mm film came in (now they're
> plastic) were perfect for storing programs on papertape :) I can't
> remember what RSTS stands for, but I used to know. Gee, now I feel old
> :(

  RSTS/E = Resource Sharing Timesharing System/Extended

           -Dave McGuire

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