[rescue] OS for low memory machine

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 5 13:11:06 CDT 2001

Thanks for the tips.

BTW, who down there in Laurel uses AOL?
See http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1252138428
They are selling some heavy duty network gear, so I immediately wondered
if you know them.

And yes, I've been stuck in PC land too long.  Rather more to the point,
I've been stuck in PC and Solaris (7 and 8) land for too long.  Despite my
love for SGIs, I don't really get to use the schools enough to become too
used to it.  I do however, spend extensive amounts of time on the schools
Solaris boxes, which spend a lot of time swapping with 64megs of ram,
which is really a small number of machines.  The rest have something like
48 and are even harder to use for anything other than xterms (thus slowing
down the lucky people on the 64meg machines even more).

Joshua Boyd

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Dave McGuire wrote:

>   Josh...if 40MB is "low memory" to you, then you've definitely been
> stuck in the PeeCee world for FAR too long.  I know you hack IRIX
> stuff as well; they too are very guilty of the "using so much memory
> it's ridiculous" method of operation.  40MB in a SPARC running NetBSD
> is about like 128-192MB in an SGI running IRIX.

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