SunPC under emulation? (Was: RE: [SunRescue] Given an orphan IPX with sunpc)
William Barnett-Lewis
rescue at
Sun Jan 28 12:30:31 CST 2001
In theory it might work - and that's what I'm hoping to try with the one
I just bought. I have sunos 4.x emulation working at the moment (this
message being brought to you via communicator 4.61 for sunos in
emulation mode). There is also SVR4/Solaris emulation available for
NetBSD/Sparc as well according to the man page. I hope to get that
running as well as I'd like a few of the support *tool programs from
Openwindows running on this box as well.
Now, I just need the SunPC software to experiment with... Anyone got a
> Message: 13
> From: "Mike Hebel" <drone8of9 at>
> To: <rescue at>
> Subject: RE: [SunRescue] Given an orphan IPX with sunpc card... now what?
> Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 23:29:31 -0600
> Reply-To: rescue at
> Give it to someone using Solaris. No, REALLY, give it to someone using
> Solaris as that's the _only_ OS that supports it. Unless you want to write
> drivers for it... ;-)
> Hmmm...just had an odd thought - would it be possible to run the SunPC
> software using Solaris emulation on Linux or 'BSD of some sort? Like I
> said, just a thought...
> Mike Hebel
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: rescue-admin at [mailto:rescue-admin at]On
> >>Behalf Of BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak
> >>Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 8:49 AM
> >>To: rescue at
> >>Subject: [SunRescue] Given an orphan IPX with sunpc card... now what?
> >>
> >>
> >>As luck would have it, I was given an orphan IPX box, with what looks
> >>like 3 ram sticks (4m or 8m, not sure yet), and a sunpc card.
> >>
> >>I know the IPX is useful on OpenBSD or NetBSD, but, what can one do
> >>with the sunpc card, and what is required to use it?
> >>
> >>Thanks
> >>
> >>Bob
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Rescue maillist - Rescue at
> >>
> >>
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> Rescue maillist - Rescue at
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You better watch out, what you wish for;
It better be worth it, so much to die for.
Courtney Love
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