[SunRescue] Max. Size Hard Disk Installable in SparcStorage Array Model 100?

Ed Pate rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 19 14:01:21 CST 2001

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If in doubt about the model, run `ssaadm <controller-number> display`, that will tell you explicitly what model, what firmware, and what drives are installed.

I've never worked with the model 100, but I've got three 110's here.  According to SUN, they only support up to 6GB drives (don't know if that was a shipped config or not).  I'm running two of them with 12 - 9GB and 18 - 4.2GB drives each, we've had no problems with them in this config.  The one caveat on that is that they are in a very good datacenter (nice and cool, with good airflow).


> Message: 6
> From: Corda Albert J DLVA <CordaAJ at NSWC.NAVY.MIL>
> To: "'rescue at sunhelp.org'" <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 11:21:11 -0500
> Subject: [SunRescue] Max. Size Hard Disk Installable in SparcStorage Array Model 100?
> Reply-To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Now that I've got my SparcServer 1000 running, I'd like
> to try the Storage Array that came with it (It looks like
> a model 100, but the model number on the back indicates
> model 1010) . I did a doc search on the sun web site,
> but was unable to come up with anything that covered basic
> installation and configuration of this critter.
> I did find some stuff on using it, having to do with the
> Volume Manager software (which I _hope_ is included in
> the Solaris 8 distribution disk! ) but the docs mention
> nothing about hardware setup/configuration.
> One of the docs (describing the architecture, from 1994)
> indicated that the array could only handle 1 Gb disks. Is
> this true? I'd like to put something larger that that
> in it, if possible (at least a couple of 4 Gb Disks.) The
> docs I do have indicate that the disks don't necessarily
> have to be configured as a raid group, so I'm hoping that
> I can put less than the 6 disks the `94 architecture manual
> indicates as a minimum. (I know this isn't enough to build
> a RAID array, but I'd be happy simply to use this as a
> disk farm for now.)
> Also, is there any required order in which the disks need
> to be installed in the 3 drawers?
> Any other suggestions on use/setup of this thing would
> be greatly appreciated :-)
> -Thanks-
> -al-
> -acorda at geocities.com

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