[SunRescue] Re: New Netra

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jan 17 22:50:09 CST 2001

www.distributed.net <- a distributed computing group that actually tries
to help it's users and support their systems to the fullest
radience <- a distributed raytracer.  can be used for video rendering, I
don't have the url on hand.  Iuse mosix as opposed to beowulf.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Mike Hebel wrote:

> >>> >On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 07:52:45PM -0800, Cyrus M. Reed wrote:
> >>> >> in there.  That wouldn't be so bad, considering the overall price.
> You
> >>> >> could make a cool Beowulf cluster out of them too...  (ducks rotten
> >>> >> fruit...)
> >>> >
> >>> >I know you were kidding, but it made me think of something.  I
> regularly
> >>> >hear comments about building Beowulf clusters, and maybe one of
> >>> >these days
> >>> >I'll get someone to tell me just what they would do with a one.  So few
> >>> >apps can use MPI / PVM / whatever, the uses of one are quite limited.
> Oh, I don't know...bug SETI at home/Processtree to produce a multi-processor
> version of their software. ;-)
> You could build one hell of a streaming MP3 player for your home network if
> you could get the between-nodes latency low enough or buffer it properly.
> There's probably programs that allow you to use a cluster to do distributed
> video rendering.
> You might be able to use a cluster for one hell of a load-balancer if I
> understand the technology correctly.
> The possibilities are endless. ;-)
> Mike Hebel
> Note:  All information from this person this evening is suspect due to a
> low-grade fever, lack of sleep, and miscellaneous non-prescription drugs.
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