[SunRescue] RE: Solaris 1.1 on a 4/330

Tim Harrison rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Jan 14 12:48:00 CST 2001

Dave McGuire wrote:

>   Good.  I've seen a lot of these sorts of problems...in situations in
> which the geek in question is willing to try to talk things out and
> really *explain* things, I've found that any Significant Other (men
> and women alike) that a geek is willing to spend any time with in the
> first place will usually be receptive.

Tara's doing her first Solaris installation today (that is, if the
damned CD-ROM drive will work -- doesn't work with my Indys).  She knew
enough to get me a NeXTcube, and found the RDI BriteLite (which I bought
for her... she was outbid with 20 seconds left to go, and she wanted it,
so I outbid the outbidder).  I think she understands, but doesn't like
the fact that we don't have a real living room.  If I have the space of
my own, it's okay, it seems.  Hence, the purchase of a house in our near
>   Several times, I've been pleasantly surprised when a Significant
> Other (mine or someone else's) actually starts to develop an interest
> in this stuff as well!  It seems that lots of people can get "hooked"
> on the stories and lore of the early computer industry.

She loves to hear tell of the mythical figures of the past, and even has
her own set of links to computer history sites.  The research of the
parts of the 4/330 were done by her.  It's taken some time, but she's
learning what it's like.

>   Ahh, the Hudson!  Is it true that anyone falling into the water gets
> rushed to an emergency medical facility immediately?  Man, the
> Chesapeake Bay is starting to get that bad.  Of course, the "public"
> blames it all on us powerboaters, when those huge factories up in
> Baltimore keep pumping enormous amounts of lumpy brown garbage into
> the water.  *sigh*

Well, that depends on where you are.  The Indian Point power facility is
just down the road, and they use Hudson water for their nefarious uses. 
There's lots of major chemical companies spilling shit into the river,
but less than 20 years ago.  There is a push for cleaning up, but the
question of how is still unsolved.  Many want to dredge the river, but
the powers that be (the chemical companies) don't want to do that, for
fear of stirring up the polluted silt (which they polluted).

I know lots of friends who swim/jetski/boat around in the waters off of
Croton Point Park (an ex-landfill, now sporting a beach, and a sectioned
off area where you're not permitted to go).  I, personally, refuse to go
near the damned river.

About a year ago, there was a "minor" incident at Indian Point, where
they were forced to vent some radioactive steam.  Supposedly, there's
less radioactivity in that than the dentist's x-ray device.  My issue
is, Indian Point is an old facility, with two of the three reactors shut
down.  What happens if something goes wrong in one of those?

Oh well.  If it ever blows, we'll be dead. :)  Even in Toronto, we
weren't too far from the Pickering Nuclear Power facility.  I guess you
can't get away from it.
>   But yes, I suppose that makes you reasonably close. :)

Fairly.  Tara says a 6 - 7 hour drive to get to your area.  Just need to
convince her to take a jaunt down there.  I've never been further south
than some parts of New Jersey (*gack*) and San Diego on the left coast,
so I'd like to visit that area sometime.  Tara's uncle lives in
Virginia.  Is that near you?  We could go down to visit him, and stop by
on the way or somesuch.


Tim Harrison
Network Engineer
harrison at timharrison.com

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