[SunRescue] Re: Router vs. PC with router/firewall software...

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 5 01:12:43 CST 2001

Mike Hebel writes:
> 1 personal news server, maybe.  Specific groups only to keep the drive size
> down.  alt.comp, etc.  (I wonder what it costs to subscribe to a news feed?)

I'll give you a newsfeed, no charge. My feed exchanger was ranked #73
worldwide, before the freenix stats went belly-up last august... So long as
it's not high maintenance (frequent changes to the subscription), it's no
problem. Full newsfeed volume is pushing 200gig a day these days, but
without the binaries groups, it's something like five or six gigs a day. if
you were to take just comp.* though for example, you could keep well more
than a month worth of articles on a 2gig drive.

Paul Theodoropoulos
paul at anastrophe.net
Senior Unix Systems Administrator
Syntactically Subversive Services, Inc.
Downtime Is Not An Option

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