[SunRescue] quest for 15-pin rs-232

Bran Tregare rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Feb 22 02:23:27 CST 2001

what is that 15 pin male serial connector on???

At 02:41 AM 2/22/01 -0500, you wrote:
>The pinouts I found seem to be for a T1 setup, not RS-232. Anyone with
>any clues as to how to make a 9pin (male) to 15 pin (male) straight-through
>rs-232 serial cable please offer up your knowledge to the collective.
>Jonathan Katz [] jon at jonworld.com [] http://jonworld.com
>"Live fast, die young, leave a really messy corpse."
>Cell: 317-698-4023 [] Pager: 800-759-8888 1770869 aka 1770869 at skytel.com
>Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org

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