OT Linux (RE: [rescue] OT: Stuffed Proliant?)

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 26 14:06:21 CST 2001

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 01:43:29PM -0600, Mark Seamans wrote:
>> No.  I'm pretty sure the speed remained constant.  Well, that not true.  It did
> > get faster when more ram was added.  It was rather frustrating because the P75s
> > we had at the time were far faster.  The salesvermin said that we could add L2,
> > and pointed at the slot to add it, but I later figured out that while that 
> snip
> Joshua:
> That reminds me of the time I went to a Intel (non-disclosure type) meeting
> where they said that the 486 chip was for servers ONLY and would never be
> used in desktop machines.  circa 1989.

Err, I don't get the connection.  Maybe it is the drugs (took some Tylenal
Sinus a bit ago, and it is leaving me a touch loopy).  Mind explaining it?

Joshua D. Boyd

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