[rescue] Re: [geeks] I think I need to change my pants... ;^)

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Dec 23 12:37:32 CST 2001

On December 22, Ken Hansen wrote:
> Oh, and why is that clear plastic mouse Apple selss $60?

  The primary selling point is the fact that it's an optical mouse that
will work on pretty much any surface.  It's by far the best pointing
device I've ever used.  They're actually quite complex inside...Lenses
focus an image of the surface under the mouse onto a small CCD array,
and then a bunch of image processing is done to normalize contrast and
stuff...it's a really cool design.  Check out

  Logitech has mice based on similar technology, but they're very
cheesy and obviously made for the Windoze crowd who are used to
using cheaply-made crap.


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL         "Less talk.  More synthohol." --Lt. Worf

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