[rescue] Retorical question: Anyone given "novices" Sun boxes todisplace Win systems?

Dan Sikorski rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 4 11:21:57 CST 2001

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 08:32, Ken Hansen wrote:
> Thanks, I bookmarked the site for future use, but I have a fundamental
> problem with eMachines hardware... 

Would you be referring to their choice of the shittiest hardware out
there? or perhaps their poorly designed cases? maybe that they are
simply the slowest machines out there at any given mhz speed?


(i acquired an emachine for free.  it's my mother's email/web machine
iirc, it's  a 333mhz, but it feels like a 133mhz.  really.)

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