[rescue] Re: MACWEENIES: Retorical question: Anyone given "novices" Sun boxes to displace Win systems?

Linc Fessenden rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 3 22:07:48 CST 2001

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:

> My father-in-law has an old Compaq P100 laptop that he
> uses for email access, at 28.8K with a 14" monitor. I
> have spent way too much time looking for a suitable
> upgrade for him, and I am wondering if anyine has any
> exp. dropping a Sun workstation on a newbies desk and
> pointing out it runs Netscape/email just like a PC...

Actually, I got my wife transplanted into the unix world quite
easilly.  In fact, she has been begging me for 2 years to set her up
another "windows computer" and when I finally did, she could not even
remember how to get her email :-)
And people say the windows interface is "intuitive".. Blech.

-Linc Fessenden

In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded - Yeah right...

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