[rescue] Re: nuking from orbit

Jeremy Nielson rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 31 07:29:20 CDT 2001

> I've long since given up on that assumtion.  Too much proof to the
> contrary.  After all, what is microsoft's marketshare?

Ya know, this is actually arguable.  (funny on top, but realistically....)
People tend to go for what works.  There's a psychology behind it.  I use
Windows98 SE here at work, because... (wait for it...)  It works(tm).  [i
also have a linux box, and use Novell Netware because the boss is reluctant
to switch to NT, which is fine by me].

People don't want to learn all the control-whatever combinations in order to
write a letter to someone.  Remember all the fuss with WordPerfect 5.1?  "We
have to learn all these flipping Function key combinations?!".  So you
notice more people fundamentally know how to use MS Word 2000, than know how
to use WordPerfect 5.1  (although, i'm sure there's no argument, Word2k is
better...).  Dang, people hated the fact they had to type commands at a
prompt in order to get WP5.1 to run, anyways.

But People will fundamentally go to what works.  What works isn't always
what's the most reliable.  Give *NIX/*BSD/Whatever the same intelligent "it
works" Apple/MS design, and I'm sure you'd see an insurgance of people using
them at home.

So the two axioms for today are:
    1) People go with What Works.
    2) Companies develop software to make money, so they make it for
platforms people use

In the end, it's not common sense... Ask any CEO if he'd use vi to write his
correspondence to the company he's planning to take over.  After you explain
all the wonderful joys of the control-whatever combinations, I'm sure he'll
say "uh, no." and promptly fire your ass.  It's not lack of common sense,
it's simply that Microsoft products "work".

And I know this will get taken out of context, and I'll be touted as being a
flamer, or whatever else... but if you don't truly agree, seriously sit back
for a moment, and think about it... one size does not fit all.  :)

Jeremy Nielson

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